Why Cellulose Insulation?
Cellulose insulation is a type of insulation that is made from recycled paper that has been shredded into little pieces. Chemicals are added so that it will adhere together and these chemicals also prevent the flammability of the material. Fiberglass on the other hand is made of glass and sand. Cellulose insulation Russellville AR is similar in many ways to blown-in fiberglass insulation. Both are blown-in and as such are subject to a small amount of settling compared to the fiberglass “batt” insulation. Overall there is debate in the insulation world over which is better but we are of the opinion that cellulose is a superior option over fiberglass because it is more environmentally friendly and tends to hold in a bit more heat during low temperatures than its counterpart.
We offer this insulation very often due to the simplicity of installation, effectiveness of the product, and the preparation is more minimal than other types of insulation which can typically help the price stay down in comparison to spray foam insulation which is going to perform better but costs more.
When we install cellulose insulation we will follow a preparation sequence first to ensure the best results which will include the removal of any existing insulation before applying a fresh layer of new cellulose insulation.
Why Insulation Removal?
It is absolutely necessary for our company to provide insulation Russellville AR removal services. Our team always strives to leave a home in a better place than we found it and as such focuses on ensuring that the insulation removal process does not leave debris or dust in the rest of the home. The insulation in your home is like anything else and it begins to get worn out over time. Insulation in particular is subject to wear and tear due to rodent and pest infestation, settling, and age. Particularly in the event that you are replacing your insulation, the old layer will need to be removed. One of the benefits of removing the insulation is that the ducts are exposed and the small cracks and crevices become exposed. This leaves an option for increased efficiency through the application of two other energy saving services that we provide: duct encapsulation and attic air sealing.
What is Duct Encapsulation?
If you have ever looked inside of air ducts of a reasonably aged home that has been lived in then you know that they can be a very gross place. The encapsulation of an HVAC duct is a service that we offer to customers whereby the inside of the air ducts attached to your HVAC system are coated a protectant that prevents fungus, mildew, mold and other unwanted debris from adhering to the inside of your ducts. All of these undesirable substances are commonly found in ducts and act to decrease the air quality in a home, allow static pressure loss, and damage the duct itself over time.
Some of the main motivators for our customers to utilize this service are that in the event that your current duct fiberglass lined or fiberboard ducts are breaking down, if your ducts are presenting oxidation, if your ducts have grown mold or fungus, and if the eyes of the ducts are allowing fiberglass insulation to slip into the airflow of your home causing the risk of inhaling airborne fiberglass. If you are looking to increase the lifespan of the HVAC ducts in your home, treat and prevent mold, mildew, and fungi growth then duct encapsulation is a great option for you.
What is Attic Air Sealing?
In many of the homes that we inspect we find that there are minor and major air leaks in the attic. These air leaks ultimately work against the insulation by allowing unwanted hot or cold air to move in and out of the home which counteracts the insulation working to keep the temperature of the home at a comfortable temperature. We believe that this service is absolutely worth the investment. Air sealing pays off as an investment because the estimated saving potential can be up to 15% according to the Environmental Protection Agency when used in conjunction with quality insulation Russellville AR. We suggest that every client would allow us to physically inspect the attic before agreeing to terms on our projects because we need to find the amount and size of the leaks in order to price the service properly and fairly.
The basic process is to remove the existing insulation, find the leaks, and seal them using a combination of materials including various foam and or caulking. Once dry the new insulation Russellville AR can be installed over the top of the air seals.
Why Spray Foam Insulation?
Spray foam insulation can be applied in new construction and existing homes or commercial buildings. While the installation process for new and existing homes is different, spray foam insulation provides clean, dust free, and efficient insulation Russellville AR to keep you conditioned air inside where it belongs. Spray foam insulation will adhere to almost any surface. Windows, doors, and concrete and wood subflooring are no different. Before applying spray foam to the walls or roof line we apply a minimal expansion foam around all exterior windows and doors to prevent air transfer. Then we cover them with a protective plastic to prevent over spray and to make for an easy clean up process. The floors are covered with protective paper covering for the same reasons.
The new construction installation process:
The first step is to ensure the base plate of the exterior walls is clean and dry. Next we apply caulking at the base of the wall to prevent any air from passing between the base plate and the floor. We apply caulking in the remaining exterior wall seams such as corners, headers, and top plates.
An important side note is that spray foam insulation Russellville AR is a polyurethane and is in the same family as polyurethane stairs. For those concrete floors that are being left exposed or plan to apply a stain finish to your exposed concrete, the surface MUST be protected before any spray foam comes in contact with the floor surface. Once the prep work is complete it’s time to apply spray foam insulation which is done using a sprayer.